
Our Privacy Policy

CouponPages.Com is maintained by Joe2, Inc. We can be reached by e-mail at WebQuestions [at] CouponPages.Com.

Visitor Personal Information

CouponPages.Com does not capture or use any personal information of any kind. Every visitor to our site is anonymous. We do not ask for any personal information of any kind, and as such we do not capture it. When a search is made on our site for a specific city, state, zip code or other information, we do not gather that information or create any specific visitor profiles of any kind.

All visitors are treated equally, and blindly. No attempt is made to try to target any of our pages or content based upon any browsing patterns. Any information gathered during a visit to the site, is reset when the visitor leaves our site, and is not used for profiling or distribution to any third party.

Mailing Lists

CouponPages.Com has a mailing list feature. Some visitors submit their information to us for the purpose of requesting newsletters and other information. Names and e-mail addresses submitted to us for this purpose are private and are never sold or distributed to third parties.

The Use of "Cookies"
CouponPages.Com may place a "cookie" in the browser files of a visitor's computer. The cookie may contain a small amount of session information so that the visitor can browse our site without re-entering their search information on every page. Cookies are not used on our site to hold any personal or tracking information.

You also may occasionally get cookies from our advertisers. CouponPages.Com does not control these cookies and these cookies are not subject to this policy. The use of advertising cookies sent by third-party "banner ad" servers is common in the Internet industry. Your personal information is not included in any of these advertiser cookies.

We use third-party advertising companies to serve some of our banner ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use information (not including your name, address email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements on this and other sites about goods and services of interest to you.

Most browsers are initially set to accept third party cookies. If you prefer, you can set your browser to refuse these kinds of cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. However, it is not recommended that you turn off any other kind of cookie because many sites will not function properly with all cookies turned off. For information on turning off third-party cookies, see the help section of your browser.

Merchant Personal Information
The merchants on our site submit information to us that is needed to provide advertising for them to the general public. We publish only the information they designate as publishable online, and never publish any other information they submit to us.